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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

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Cuach Cores pushes west

08 Apr 2024

Cuach Cores has had a remarkable week, covering some 1,815km (1,127 miles) in just five days!

Since our last report on 4 April he has flown 707km (439 miles) west into Cameroon, where he spent some time just south of the Mbam et Djerem National Park.

After a short time here, he continued north-west moving rapidly across southern Nigeria, where after a 1,113km (691 miles) journey he was recorded close to the Benin border, just 170km (105 miles) north of Nigeria's capital, Lagos.

Cuach Cores heads west

03 Apr 2024

Cuach Cores has now crossed the Congo River and is heading north west having flown 775 km (482 miles) from his last location in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

He is now close to the border of the Central African Republic just 48 km (30 miles) east of the Ubangi River. His journey should see him continuing west through Cameroon and towards Nigeria.

Cuach Cores on the move

25 Mar 2024

Cuach Cores has flown 210km (130 miles) north within the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

He is now in the Maringa-Lopori-Wamba Forest Landscape, one of the least developed and remotest parts of the Congo Basin. Cores is surely on his way to west Africa now so we should see him moving on from here fairly soon.

Cuach Cores remains in DRC

15 Feb 2024

Cuach Cores is the most easterly of all our tagged Cuckoos. He is currently in the rainforest between the Tshuapa and Maringa Rivers in the Congo Basin of north-central Democratic Republic of Congo.

We expect to see Cores moving west soon. 

Cuach Cores moves south in the Congo Basin

04 Dec 2023

Cuach Cores has relocated within the Congo Basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, flying 150km (92 miles) south from an area close to the Tshopo River to his new location close to the Maringa River.

Cuach Cores moves further into the Congo Basin

01 Dec 2023

Cuach Cores has flown 234km (146 miles) south within the Democratic Republic of the Congo, taking him deeper into the Congo Basin.

He is now approximately 90km south of the town of Bumba and just south of the Tshuapa River.

Cuach Cores moves into Central African Republic

08 Nov 2023

Over the last few days Cuach Cores has been moving steadily south from his last location in southern Chad.

By early yesterday morning (Tuesday 7 November) he had flown 370km (230 miles) south, taking him over the border into Central African Republic (CAR).

He is now in the western part of the Ouaka prefecture of CAR, 280km north-east of the capital Bangui. 

Cuach Cores forges west to Chad

26 Oct 2023

Over the last couple of days Cuach Cores has flown 730km (454 miles) east from Nigeria, over northern Cameroon and into southern Chad. 

Cuach Cores moves into Nigeria

24 Oct 2023

After spending the last week in southern Niger, Cuach Cores has flown 407km (253 miles) south-east into Nigeria.

He is now in the south-western corner of Borno state in north-eastern Nigeria.

Cuach Cores has crossed the Sahara

16 Oct 2023

New updates received from Cuach Cores' tag on Saturday afternoon (14 October) showed that he had successfully completed his desert crossing. He has now reached southern Niger where he is hopefully finding plenty of food along the banks of the seasonal Korama River, some 50km south of the city of Zinder.  

Between departing Spain sometime on Tuesday 10 October and arriving in southern Niger on Saturday 14 October, Cores has flown approximately 3,361km (2,088 miles). What a thrill it has been to follow his late charge from France to Niger. Will he now pause for a rest, or will he press on to the Congo? 


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