Since arriving in southern Niger PJ has settled on the edge of a small river valley to the east of the town of Bouza. The habitat in the valley is semi-arid with sparse trees but the river banks are fairly well vegetated, so PJ may be able to use this area as his stopover site before heading south and east into Congo.
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No movement from PJ
06 Sep 2016
PJ moves east
26 Aug 2016
Since crossing the desert and arriving in southern Mali, PJ has continued east along the southern edge of the desert and is now in neighbouring Niger, close to the border with Nigeria.
PJ crosses the Sahara
02 Aug 2016
Since leaving France on 22nd July, Norfolk Cuckoo PJ has taken a very direct route south, travelling 1,600 miles due South into Algeria and the pressing on for another 660 miles to arrive at his current location in eastern Mali. He is the third tagged Cuckoo to successfully cross the desert and is currently near the D'ansongo-Menaka nature reserve close to the border with Niger. This is an area previously visited by Whortle.
PJ in France
08 Jul 2016
A series of locations received from PJ on 2 July showed that he had left Suffolk, crossed the North Sea and was on Belgian/French border, close to Bogny-sur-Meuse in France. Two days later he had moved 119km (74 miles) further south. He is currently in an area of forest south of Verdun.
23 Jun 2016
PJ was tagged on 7 June 2016 in King's Forest, Suffolk. Since then he has remained largely in the area of the forest, although he has ventured north into Thetford Forest, on the Norfolk/Suffolk border, and east into Norfolk to the area of forest between Thetford and Diss. He is currently back in Suffolk and on the southern edge of Thetford Forest, very close to Elveden.
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