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Trent was named by Severn Trent Water, which funded his tag.

Friday, May 19, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
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Trent's journey from 01 May 2024 to 28 June 2024

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Trent's movements

29 Apr 2024 - Trent's true travels

With a little encouragement from the southerly winds moving up through the continent, Trent powered north covering around 1,068km (663 miles) over the weekend.

Ater crossing the Channel he spent some time in Somerset before moving north again and is currently in the Malverns in Worcestershire. He is around 1km (.6 mile) away from where he was originally caught and tagged in May 2023!

25 Apr 2024 - Trent heads for France

Trent has now left the mountains to the west of Madrid, and after skirting around the Spanish capital, has started heading up toward the Pyrenees.  

After a journey of around 375km (233 miles) he is now in the autonomous Navarre region just 37km (22 miles) south-west of Pamplona and 72km (44 miles) from the French border.

With southerly airflows forecast in the coming days, Trent and the rest of the tagged Cuckoos in Spain should start heading our way with greater determination!

22 Apr 2024 - Trent trucks on

Trent continues his trek north and has covered around 212km (131 miles) in recent days, since leaving the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park area.

He is now in central Iberia, between the small towns of La Higuera and Lanzahita in the Castile and León province.

18 Apr 2024 - Trent joins the pack in Spain

As we’d hoped, Trent continued heading northwards through Morocco and he took a relatively short overnight route across the water from Tangier to Spain, arriving just to the west of Tarifa.

Wasting little time, he headed onward and is currently in the foothills to the north of the Sierra Morena range in the Córdoba Province. He has covered approximately 330km (205 miles) since we posted yesterday.

17 Apr 2024 - Trent heads to the Med

Trent is continuing his journey through Morocco and having left the area near Rabat, he has moved north-east approximately 190km (118 miles) toward Tangier.

He is just over 40km (24 miles) away from the Straits of Gibraltar so all being well will make his next stop in southern Spain shortly.  

Past updates from trent

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.