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Nick has been named after Professor Nick Davies (Department of Zoology, Cambridge University), an expert in the behavioural ecology of cuckoos and an enthusiastic supporter of the cuckoo tracking project.

Nick the Cuckoo
Friday, May 31, 2013 - 01:00
Tagging Location:
Cavenham Heath, Mildenhall, Suffolk
Age when found:
Over one year
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Nick's journey from 31 May 2013 to 24 September 2013

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Nick's position on
24 Sep 2013
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Nick's movements

25 Oct 2013 - Not good news for Nick

It has now been over a month since we received signals from Nick's tag and unfortunately we think this may be the end of the journey for him. His last location was in Cameroon, close to Ngaoundere.

Interestingly, not many of our tagged Cuckoos have spent time in this area, instead travelling through areas in the south of Congo. Indy, one of the Cuckoos tagged in 2012, also stopped transmitting after moving to a location in Cameroon, about 400km (250 miles) further south, in the middle of September 2012.

23 Aug 2013 - Nick continues to Cameroon

Continuing onwards quickly, by early evening on 22 August, Nick was 940km (585 miles) further south-east from his previous location in Nigeria and was in Cameroon.  Transmission located him in the Adamawa region close to the edge of the Mbang Mountains and 24km (15 miles) east of the capital of Ngaoundéré, which has a population of over 152,500.  

21 Aug 2013 - Nick in Nigeria

From his position in Burkina Faso on the 18 August, Nick has completed the journey of 1050km (655 miles) to reach western Nigeria. He is now just north of Enagi. Derek is also in Nigeria, about 290km (180 miles) north of Nick’s position, while Tor is in eastern Nigeria. This new movement makes Nick the most southerly of all the tagged Cuckoos. 

12 Aug 2013 - Nick moves east to Burkina Faso

Nick has joined Ken in Burkina Faso, transmitting from a location in the protected Maro forest area, 105km (65 miles) south of Ken's position, early on 11 August.

06 Aug 2013 - Nick making good progress

From north-west of Bamako on 28 July, Nick has moved south-east 280km (175 miles) in the direction of Burkino Faso, through which Lyster and Clement both passed through in the first year of the project, and was close to the village of Bondo.  Last year none of the three Cuckoos that chose the route via Spain and west Africa survived, so it is good to see that conditions have been more favourable to Nick and Ken this year. Hopefully the further four Cuckoos who have taken this route and are currently in Spain and north Africa will fare well too when they follow shortly.  

Past updates from nick

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.
