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Cuach Torc

Cuach Torc was named by the National Parks and Wildlife Service after a mountain in Killarney National Park where he was tagged.

Cuach Torc.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 05:00
Tagging Location:
Incheens, Killarney National Park, Ireland
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Cuach Torc's journey from 02 May 2024 to 29 August 2024

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Cuach Torc's movements

15 Jul 2024 - Torc gets to Greece

Cuach Torc set off from the area around The Kunë-Vain-Talë Reserve on Friday night and continued south through Albania, and into Western Greece.

He is now in a wooded valley in a mountainous region approximately 25 km (15 miles) south of the city of Patras, on the Peloponnese peninsula.

12 Jul 2024 - Cuach Torc’s Balkan break

Having left Dubrovnik, Torc made his way along the coast of Montenegro, and has now pitched down in north-east Albania.

He is currently on the fringes of the The Kunë-Vain-Talë-Patok-Fushëkuqe-Ishëm Nature Reserve. Formerly a hunting reserve, this protected area was designated as a nature reserve in 2010 and is recognised as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International.

08 Jul 2024 - Torc's full of eastern promise

After spending some time around Venice, Cuach Torc has headed eastwards across the Adriatic Sea before flying south along the Croatian coastline, travelling a distance of around 540 km (335 miles).

He is currently in an area along the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and just 10 km (6 miles) from the city of Dubrovnik.

27 Jun 2024 - Wherefore art Cuach Torc?

Earlier this week Cuach Torc crossed the border into Italy from Switzerland.

He stopped for a short while just north of the UNESCO world heritage city of Verona, famously the home of Romeo and Juliet. From here Torc then moved a further 120 km (75 miles) to the coast just south of Venice.

In the next few days he could either continue down through Italy, or follow the route he did last year, via Bosnia and Herzegovina and on into Greece! 

24 Jun 2024 - Torc’s Alpine assent

Cuach Torc has powered some 483 km (300 miles) south-east through France in recent days and is now in Switzerland!

After a couple of days in and around the UNESCO Entlebuch Biosphere reserve at the foot of the Alps, close to Lucerne, he has now crossed over the high peaks and is heading towards the Italian border.

Past updates from cuach torc

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© British Trust for Ornithology.