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Cooper was named by the Cooper family, which has been hugely impressed with the project and its ability to follow the annual journey of these remarkable birds. The family chose Cooper as it can be a Christian name, and also because they hope to encourage friends to support this wonderful, eye-opening enterprise in the future.

Cooper, New Forest, 2022. PTT 232672.
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 03:55
Tagging Location:
New Forest, Hampshire
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Cooper's journey from 31 May 2022 to 07 September 2022

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Cooper's movements

25 Nov 2022 - A final farewell to Cooper

Keen Cuckoo followers will know that we have been growing increasingly concerned for Cuckoo Cooper as we stopped receiving updates from him shortly after he arrived in Nigeria in early September. Having looked closely at the tag data our Cuckoo scientist Dr Chris Hewson has deduced that sadly Cooper has perished. We don't know how he died, he seemed to be taking a fairly "safe" and direct route towards the Congo but he is one of two birds to have perished in eastern Nigeria this year. Cooper has given us an additional run of valuable data to add to our growing knowledge of Cuckoo ecology.

27 Sep 2022 - No news from Cooper

We haven't received any further updates from Cooper since 7th September when he was still in eastern Nigeria. Hopefully we will hear from Cooper again soon.

20 Jul 2022 - Cooper moves into eastern Nigeria

Cooper has flown 347km (215 miles) south east within Nigeria and is now in the north of Taraba state. He is 80km (50 miles) north west of the state capital city of Jalingo.   

16 Jul 2022 - Cooper moves east to Nigeria

Having spent the last ten days in Niger, Cooper has flown 573km (356 miles) south east into Nigeria. He is now on some farmland 50km (31 miles) south east of Zaria City in north central Nigeria.

11 Jul 2022 - Cooper moves south in Niger

Since our last update Cooper has flown 271km (169 miles) south into the south western corner of Niger. He is now approximately 16km (10 miles) east of the city of Dosso.  

Past updates from cooper

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.