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BBC's The One Show named Bill in honour of avid birdwatcher and comedian Bill Bailey.

Bill the Cuckoo portrait
Friday, June 3, 2016 - 18:00
Tagging Location:
Sherwood Forest, Nottingham
Age when found:
Satellite Tag No.:
Wing Length (mm):

Bill's journey from 14 May 2018 to 28 August 2019

View routes starting..
Bill's position on
28 Aug 2019
Show marker
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Bill's movements

27 Apr 2017 - Concerns for Bill in Morocco

A series of poor locations on the evening of 22 April show that Bill was in Morocco, having completed his desert crossing. Signals place him in the Atlas Mountains, Morocco again on 27 April and we are concerned that he hasn't moved on northwards during that time as we would expect the Cuckoos to do. The temperature on the tag appears low but we will have to wait for further information to draw any conclusions. The location will only update and show on the map if a good quality signal is received. At the moment it doesn't look too good for Bill.

11 Apr 2017 - Bill still in Ivory Coast

Since arriving in Ivory Coast on 22 March Bill hasn't moved far from the Komoe River. Hopefully he has been finding lots of food in preparation for his desert crossing.

22 Mar 2017 - Bill moves further west

Bill has flown 526km (327 miles) west during the last few days, leaving Togo and completely overflying Ghana. He is currently in eastern Ivory Coast, close to the Komoe River. 

14 Mar 2017 - Bill in Togo

During the last week Bill has been heading west, he is currently resting up on the banks of the Artie River in Central Togo. It might not be too long before he heads further west and joins our other tagged Cuckoos in the western part of West Africa. This is where most of our Cuckoos have staged before heading north across the desert.

06 Mar 2017 - Bill on his way back

A series of poor quality locations received from Bill's tag during the last couple of weeks suggested that he was heading north out of Gabon, but we had to wait until the early hours of 6 March to confirm this. A good quality location received at 01.30 in the morning showed that he was in south-eastern Nigeria, east of Ekoku.

Past updates from bill

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“This is my first year following the Cuckoo’s journey and I would like to thank you for the happiness and pleasure it has given me reading your updates. I look forward to the next journeys. Amazing!”

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© British Trust for Ornithology.