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Updates from our Cuckoos

Read the latest updates from our Cuckoos on their epic migration between the UK and tropical Africa, or track their movements in real-time on our Cuckoo migration map.

  • If you enjoy these updates, please consider sponsoring a Cuckoo. Sponsors receive special updates about their chosen Cuckoo in the Cuckoo e-newsletter. 

Your chance to name a Cuckoo

27 Jun 2014

With three un-named birds left we are letting you choose what to name one of our Sherwood Cuckoos!  Anyone who sponsors a Cuckoo before the end of June will be entered in to a draw. We’ll then pick one entry at random and will contact the winner who can then suggest a suitable name*. Find out how you could name a Cuckoo

Sad news

12 Jun 2014
Unfortunately we have lost two of the newly tagged birds. Both Wistman, from Devon, and 134962, from the New Forest, appear to have died recently according to the temperature readings that accompany the transmissions. We cannot be sure of the reasons but one possibility is predation. 
Last year Karma, one of the birds tagged in western Scotland, who was the first that year to leave his breeding area, travelled to the east coast of Scotland and died there, making it only as far as Aberdeen. We wish our other Cuckoos this year better success.  

The New Forest four

27 May 2014

Bolderwood, New Forest, Hampshire -  Six Cuckoos caught between 04:30am and 11:00am - the first three of which (two tagged, one too small) were in the first round, one in the middle of each of a triangle of nets set at Bolderwood. The other three were caught a couple of miles to the north and four were selected for tagging. This meant we completed our tagging in Hampshire during day, in a brief weather-window.

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