BBS Online
Welcome to the BBS Online guidance page.
Before you can enter data online, your Regional Organiser (RO) needs to have allocated your BBS square/s to your username.
Logging in
- If you haven't been allocated a square, contact your Regional Organiser.
- If you don't have a BTO username and password, register to begin using BBS Online.
- If you have a username and password, and your RO has allocated the square to you online, but you still can't log in, email for help.
Guidance document
- on using BBS Online to enter data for both the Breeding Bird Survey and Waterways Breeding Bird Survey.
Volunteer guidance
Volunteer guidance (PDF, 2.29 MB)
BBS Online video tutorials
View our tutorials on mapping your route and entering data. Select the title overlaying the video to view on Youtube.
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