Scottish Schedule 1 licensing

The BTO issues Schedule 1 permits for ringing and nest recording in Scotland under an Organisational Licence issued to the BTO by NatureScot. To get your disturbance permit for the upcoming year choose the correct option below.

The specially protected species in Scotland are detailed in Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 (as amended by the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004).

First application To apply for your first disturbance permit.

Reporting To report on your activity for the past year – this is required before your permit will be renewed.

Renewal info To renew an existing permit with or without amendments.

BTO can only permit disturbance of specially protected species for purposes of ringing and nest recording. Limited photography at the nest during these activities is covered by such a permit as is photography for the purpose of nest recording. For other purposes see the Scottish Natural Heritage licensing web pages.

Schedule 1 Licence conditions: Be aware

The conditions on a Schedule 1 Licence form part of it. Breaking of these conditions means you are breaking the law and may be prosecuted. 

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