Taking Part
Ringers can take part in CES in two ways.
Set up your own CES
If you have an existing site that you have operated during the summer, you may be able to start a CES straight away. Pick net rides that are easy to operate and will catch at least 2-300 birds in 12 visits over four months (May - August).
If you have a new site we recommend doing the first year as a trial. Try out a range of net sites so you can identify those which are most useful for your CES.
A key consideration in setting up a CES is not to over extend yourself. On visit twelve, when some of your volunteers have dropped out, one of your reliable regulars has taken their children on holiday before they go back to school and there is a huge number of juveniles you still need to be able to cope. Go for a core set of nets you use to catch at least 2-300 birds and leave yourself options for additional sets when you have additional capacity.
CES registration form
For further information about the CES Scheme or setting up a new site, please contact ces@bto.org .
Help out at CES
If you don't have time to do your own CES do get in touch with others who run CES sites in your area. Many ringers will welcome the occasional helping hand on CES, particularly during the holiday periods when regulars are away and during the later visits where there are large numbers of juveniles.
Guidance for the CES ringer
Weather Guidance - NEW June 2012
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