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Improve your identification of passage and winter waders in this two-part online course.

Event Description

This course involves two weekly online sessions of 90–100 minutes, with a trainer:participant ratio of about 1:30. Participants' microphones are muted during the sessions but there is a large interactive component, using chat messaging, polls and non-verbal signals to your webcam. The live sessions are complemented by supported self-study exercises which participants are encouraged to complete between the sessions. We place a strong emphasis on providing tools and techniques that will help you to continue your learning after the course.

In order to participate you will need:

  • broadband of sufficient speed to view live video
  • a computer with sound and ideally a webcam, or a tablet/smartphone.

The training will be run by BTO staff Nick MoranJenny Donelan and Rob Jaques all are experienced birdwatchers, surveyors and trainers.

The two sessions will be as follows:

SESSION 1: Identifying larger waders – Wednesday 31 July, 7-8:45pm
We will introduce the most important elements of wader identification, using a range of interactive activities. The main species that we will cover in this session are Redshank, Greenshank and Spotted Redshank, Curlew and Whimbrel and Black- and Bar-tailed Godwits. We will also provide content on Snipe, Jack Snipe and Woodcock. 


SESSION 2: Identifying smaller waders – Wednesday 7 August, 7-8:45pm
Building on a self-study exercise on Common, Green and Wood Sandpiper, we'll take a closer look at how to identify this tricky group. In the remainder of the session we will look at three waders that can cause confusion: Sanderling, Knot and Ruff. We will also provide content on Grey and Golden Plovers, and Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers.

COST: The programme of two weekly online sessions and supported self-study exercises costs £24.

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend both sessions to get the maximum benefit. We are unable to offer single sessions at a reduced price but if the cost is prohibitive or you have any other questions about the course, please contact us at training@bto.org.

This course is designed for amateur birdwatchers and bird survey volunteers – professionals seeking training should contact us by email.

After booking you should receive an automatic confirmation email. If this doesn’t arrive, please check your spam/junk email folder and if it is not there, or you have any other questions or booking issues, please email us at training@bto.org

For priority booking on our UK-wide online courses, please consider becoming a BTO member. Find out about BTO memberships.