Event registration is now closed

Improve your bird identification and birdwatching skills, and learn how to put these to good use in some exciting BTO-led projects.

Event Description

The training involves three weekly online modules, with a large interactive component and complemented by supported self-study exercises. We place a strong emphasis on providing you with tools and techniques that will help you to continue your learning after the course.

The training will be run by BTO staff Nick Moran, Jenny Donelan and Kate Fox, all experienced birdwatchers, surveyors and trainers.

In order to participate you will need:

  • broadband of sufficient speed to view live video
  • a computer with sound and ideally a webcam, or a tablet/smartphone.

The three sessions will cover the following:

SESSION 1: Bird identification, with an emphasis on songs and calls
Tuesday 5 March, 7–8:45pm

An overview of the various components of bird identification followed by an interactive workshop which will help you to recognise and remember the songs and calls of many of the commoner breeding birds found in our gardens and woodlands. We will also briefly introduce BTO Garden Birdwatch and BirdTrack.

SESSION 2: Further bird identification 
Tuesday 12 March, 7–8:45pm
After a recap of your homework and what you learned in the first session, we will introduce some additional species, honing both your visual and auditory ID skills. We'll also briefly introduce Nesting Neighbours and the Wetland Bird Survey.

SESSION 3: How to improve as a birdwatcher 
Tuesday 19 March, 7–8:45pm
After a further recap, we'll highlight some recommended resources and practical activities which will help you to further improve, building on the knowledge that you have already acquired. You'll then learn more about BTO-led recording schemes and surveys, and the impactful outputs that they generate. Finally, you'll receive guidance on how to judge which options are appropriate for your ability-level, and advice on how to get started 

COST: The programme of three weekly webinars and supported self-study exercises costs £36. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all three sessions to get the maximum benefit. We are unable to offer single sessions at a reduced price. If the cost is a barrier to you please contact us.

If you have any questions, or difficulties booking a place online, please contact the Training team