Nuthatch Is a Christmas cracker
18 Dec 2019
The BTO BirdTrends 2019 report is a one-stop shop for information about the population status for over 100 common breeding birds of the wider UK countryside. The longest-term information shows that 31 species have declined significantly by more than 50% over the past 20-50 years, with at least half of these being seen in farmland birds. Two species, Turtle Dove and Grey Partridge are amongst those showing the greatest decline, by 98% and 92% respectively over the 50 years period to 2017.
It is not all gloom and doom - some birds are doing very well. The Nuthatch has seen its population boom, up by 268% during the same period. It is also enjoying a northward range expansion and is now a fairly common sight in parts of Scotland where it was once a rare bird.
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