ARGBB field session (Nunnery Lakes, Thetford, Wednesday 21 February, 9:30am)

Assessing Risk of Groundworks on Breeding Birds course participants
Nick Moran, Jenny Donelan
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - 09:30 to 13:00
Contact host organisation

BTO field session on Assessing Risk of Groundworks to Breeding Birds

This field session will provide opportunities to put the ideas and approaches covered in the first ARGBB online session into practice:

  • Bird identification by sight and sound
  • Bird breeding biology: recognising breeding evidence, nest sites and active nests
  • Data and recording using BirdTrack

It will also be a chance to raise practical issues that can be explored further in the second online session. Registration for the online sessions is a prerequisite for participation in the field session.

The field session will take place at BTO's Nunnery Lakes reserve, Thetford, Norfolk, 9:30am–1pm on Wednesday 21 February.

The training will be run by BTO staff Nick Moran and Jenny Donelan, both experienced birdwatchers, surveyors and trainers.

To book your place, please contact the Training team.