BTO NI's Wild Weekend

- Presenter
- Stephen Hewitt
- Date
- Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 06:00 to 19:00
- Places
- Fully booked
Join us on Saturday 25th June at the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre and Oxford Island National Nature Reserve for the first big face-to-face BTO NI event since 2019!
- Attendance, all activities and tea/coffee: £10
Online registration will close at midnight on Sunday 19th June.
06:00 - 09:30 - Your choice of workshops in ringing or nest recording out on the wonderful Oxford Island reserve - home to high densities of breeding warblers and finches, and other common woodland, scrub and wetland species.
- Ringing will be led by the Oxford Island Constant Effort Site (CES) team, Debbie Nelson and Aidan Crean.
- Nest finding will be led by BTO NI Engagement Co-ordinator, Stephen Hewitt and Nest Record Scheme volunteer George Hynes.
09:30 - 10:00 - Tea/Coffee and biscuits in the Islandview Room at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre
10:00 - 12:30 - Guided birdwatching walks - An opportunity to enjoy the bird life at the reserve, practise your identification skills (including by song and call), and also to learn more about how to use BirdTrack to record your sightings
12:30 - 13:30 - Finger Buffet in Islandview Room
13:30 - 16:00 - Talks by BTO staff
- Rolling in the deep: Black Guillemot tracking reveals sea floor foraging - Daniel Johnston
- Belfast's unsung seabird: a dive into the data on the Eiders of Belfast Lough - Katherine Booth Jones
- Engaging and developing volunteers for bird surveys in Northern Ireland - Ben Darvill
17:00 on - Barbeque
Health and Safety Notes
- If you are showing any cold or flu like symptoms you are advised to please avoid this event.
- Seating for Saturday's talks will be socially-distanced and the room will be well ventilated.
- You are advised to take a covid-19 lateral flow test before attending and to please not attend if you get a positive result.
- We will keep a list of attendees in order to contact you if anybody reports contracting covid-19 after this event.
- Attendees are welcome to wear face coverings. The government strongly advises the wearing of masks indoors.
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