BTO Northern Ireland Birdwatchers' Conference

Whooper Swan. Sarah Kelman
Stephen Hewitt
Saturday, November 7, 2020 - 15:00 to Saturday, November 14, 2020 - 17:30
Fully booked

Virtual conference with presentations on Choughs, Whooper Swans, Garden BirdWatch, Migration, Kestrels and Blackcaps, all with a Northern Ireland focus. Also - a fun quiz night!


£5 per ticket for all three sessions.

The online "virtual" conference will consist of three sessions:


SESSION 1: Talks. Saturday 7th November, 15:00-17:15

Introduction from BTO NI Officer Stephen Hewitt

Gillian Gilbert RSPB - Choughs in Scotland

Kerry Mackie - Optimising Mitigation for Whooper Swans at Toome

BTO Staff Member - BTO Garden BirdWatch


SESSION 2: Quiz Night. Wednesday 11th November, 19:30-20:00 

SESSION 3: Talks. Saturday 14th November, 15:00-17:30

Introduction from BTO CEO Juliet Vickery

Kez Armstrong - Kestrels in Ireland

Kendrew Colhoun - Migration, monitoring and research studies on the Celtic fringe

Stephen Hewitt - Blackcap Nest Monitoring


In order to participate you will need:

  • broadband of sufficient speed to view live video 
  • a computer with sound and ideally a webcam, or a tablet/smartphone.
  • Access to Zoom

The conference costs £5 for all three sessions. We are unable to offer single sessions at a reduced price.

If you have any questions, or difficulties booking a place online, please email us at