Identifying and monitoring waterbirds (1-day, Kirkcudbright Community Centre)

Dunlin by Chris Mills
Scott Paterson
Saturday, September 29, 2018 - 10:00 to 16:00
Fully booked

Improve your wetland bird ID skills and learn how to put them to good use in the Wetland Bird Survey and BirdTrack


This event is free – running costs have been subsidised by a grant from Tesco's Bags of Help scheme.

Improve your wetland bird identification skills and learn waterbird monitoring techniques, and find out how to use them in the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) and BirdTrack. The day will combine some indoor sessions and the chance to put this into practice whilst birdwatching on the Dee Estuary. The outdoor elements will be tailored to suit the weather and tides on the day.

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided but please bring a packed lunch.

The course aims to provide participants with the following:

  • Guidance on identifying commoner waders and ducks by sight
  • Tips on how to distinguish the common species from some of the scarcer species
  • An overview of WeBS and how to get involved
  • An introduction to BirdTrack and how it can be used to record observations from day-to-day birdwatching
  • Opportunities to practice ID skills and undertake a mock WeBS count on the Dee Estuary.


This web page or application is currently unavailable due to routine maintenance.

Service will be reinstated as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Links to current active BTO projects to check availability:

BirdTrack - Login to BirdTrack  /  Information about BirdTrack

Breeding Bird Survey - Login to BBS online  /  Information about the survey 

Garden BirdWatch - Login to GBW  /  Information about the survey

Heronries Census - Login to Heronries Census  /  Information about the survey

Nesting Neighbours - Login to Nesting Neighbours  /  Information about the survey

Nest Records Scheme - Login to Demography Online  /  Information about the scheme

Ringing Scheme - Login to Demography Online  /  Information about the scheme

Waterways Breeding Bird Survey - Login to BBS online  /  Information about the survey 

Wetland Bird Survey - Login to WeBS Online  /  Information about the survey

Woodcock Survey - Login to Woodcock Survey  /  Information about the survey

View a full list of BTO projects.

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