Jazz Rhoades

Ecological Statistician

Jazz is an Ecological Statistician whose main role is to contribute to the statistical analysis of projects within the BTO. This also includes providing advice on developing statistically robust project design and to provide general statistical advice and training across the organisation.

Interests & Responsibilities

Jazz is most interested in broad themes of interactions between the human and physical worlds, such as the impacts of climate and land use change on species distributions. Before her role at BTO, Jazz completed a PhD at the University of Stirling investigating how interactions between climate and human land use legacies impact demographic rates of European beech trees. Through her PhD, Jazz gained a particular interest in population dynamics and demography alongside analytical skills in statistical and population modelling. She also co-founded, hosted and delivered her department’s fortnightly Statistics Discussion Group, which facilitated peer-to-peer learning on statistical techniques.


PhD in Ecology – University of Stirling: “Climate change in marginal habitats: understanding heterogeneity in European beech demography across its rear edge margin.” (2024)
MSc Quantitative Methods in Biodiversity, Epidemiology & Conservation – University of Glasgow (2019)
MSc Geographical Science – University of Manchester (2014)
BSc Geography – University of Manchester (2013)

Other Publications

Ovenden, T. S., Perks, M. P., Forrester, D. I., Mencuccini, M., Rhoades, J., Thompson, D. L., Stokes, V. J., and Jump, A. S. 2022. Intimate mixtures of Scots pine and Sitka spruce do not increase resilience to spring drought. Forest Ecology and Management. doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120448

Schliwa, G., Armitage, R., Aziz, S., Evans, J. and Rhoades, J. 2015. Sustainable city logistics - Making cargo cycles viable for urban freight transport. Transportation Business and Management. doi: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2015.02.001