Ellie Leech
Head of Ringing & Nest Recording Team
Ellie is responsible for managing the Ringing Scheme and the Nest Record Scheme, which include the Constant Effort Scheme, the Retrapping Adults for Survival ringing project and Nesting Neighbours.
Interests & Responsibilities
- Responsible for overseeing the two core demographic monitoring schemes operated under the BTO/JNCC Partnership, the Ringing Scheme, including the Constant Effort Site (CES) and the Retrapping Adults for Survival (RAS) projects, and the Nest Record Scheme (NRS), including the Nesting Neighbours project.
- Bird ringing collects data on survival and productivity, while the NRS gathers information on nesting success; together, these initiatives provide data for BTO’s Integrated Population Monitoring programme, which allows us to understand what processes and environmental drivers are responsible for the changing numbers identified by census surveys, such as the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey (BBS).
- Involved in development of novel monitoring schemes to collect avian productivity data, such as Nesting Neighbours and the Winter Ringing Pilot. Responsible for managing the 11 staff that comprise the Ringing & Nest Recording Team.
- Involved in analysis of avian productivity data and author on over 30 refereed scientific papers, reports and reviews. Specific research interests include the effect of weather and climate change on breeding success and the role of nest predation in determining reproductive success.
- Nest recorder, with experience of monitoring large nest box populations and finding nests of open-nesting species, and licensed bid ringer, currently holding a C Permit. Member of BTO’s HPAI Steering Group and contributing author of BTO’s avian influenza content.
Other Information
Established a long-term monitoring project focussing on wetland passerines, particularly Reed Warblers, and a Grass Snake monitoring project exploring the impacts of Snake Fungal Disease, both of which have supported PhD studentships.
- BSc Biological Sciences, Oxford University
- PhD Avian mating systems, Lancaster University
Recent BTO Publications
Other Publications
Leech, D.I., Hartley, I.R., Stewart, I.R.K., Griffith, S.G. & Burke, T. 2001. No effect of parental quality or extra-pair paternity on brood sex ratio in the blue tit Parus caeruleus. Behavioural Ecology 12: 674-680.
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