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All publications for David Noble

Jørgensen, P. S., Böhning-Gaese, K., Thorup, K., Tøttrup, A. P., Chylarecki, P., Jiguet, F., Lehikoinen, A., Noble, D. G., Reif, J., Schmid, H., van Turnhout, C., Burfield, I. J., Foppen, R., Voříšek, P., van Strien, A., Gregory, R. D. & Rahbek, C. 2016. Continent-scale global change attribution in European birds - combining annual and decadal time scales. Global Change Biology 22 : 530-543 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13097)
Robinson, R.A., Leech D.I., Massimino, D., Woodward I., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H., Eglington, S.M., Marchant, J.H.Sullivan, M.J.P., & Baillie, S.R. 2016. Bird Trends 2016: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report no. 691. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Link to publication
Robinson, R.A., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Massimino, D., Sullivan, M.J.P., Eglington, S.M., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Downie, I.S., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H. & Baillie, S.R. 2016. BirdTrends 2015. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Jørgensen, P.S., Böhning-Gaese, K., Thorup, K., Tøttrup, A.P., Chylarecki, P., Jiguet, F., Lehikoinen, A., Noble, D.G., Reif, J., Schmid, H., van Turnhout, C., Burfield, I.J., Foppen, R., Voříšek, P., van Strien, A., Gregory, R.D. & Rahbek, C. 2015. Continent-scale global change attribution in European birds - combining annual and decadal time scales. Global Change Biology early view Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13097)
Harris, S.J., Massimino, D., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Balmer, D.E., Noble, D.G., Musgrove, A.J., Gillings, S., Procter, D. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2015. The Breeding Bird Survey 2014. Research Report no. 673. ISBN: 978-1-908581-56-3 24pp Download Report (PDF)
Hayhow D.B., Conway G., Eaton M.A., Grice P.V., Hall C., Holt C.A., Kuepfer A., Noble D.G., Oppel S., Risely K., Stringer C., Stroud D.A., Wilkinson N. and Wotton S. 2015. The State of the UK's Birds 2014. RSPB, BTO, WWT, JNCC, NE, NIEA, NRW and SNH, Sandy, Bedfordshire Download Report (PDF)
Roy, H.E., Rorke, S.L., Beckmann, B., Booy, O., Botham, M.S., Brown, P.M.J., Harrower, C., Noble, D., Sewell, J. & Walker, K. 2015. The contribution of volunteer recorders to our understanding of biological invasions. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115 (part 3) : 678-689 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/bij.12518)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Massimino, D., Sullivan, M.J.P., Eglington, S.M., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Downie, I.S., Harris, S.J., Kew, A.J., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2015. BirdTrends 2014. Research Report no. 662. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Burgess, M.D., Bellamy, P.E., Gillings, S., Noble, D., Grice, P.V. & Conway, G.J. 2015. The impact of changing habitat availability on population trends of woodland birds associated with early successional plantation woodland. Bird Study 62 (part 1) : 39-55 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2014.998622)
Ian G. Henderson, David Noble, Rachel Taylor & Veronica Mendez 2015. Consultation to the Birds Directive Article 3 Birds of Conservation Concern and Delivery Mechanisms. Research Report no. 663. 113pp £10.00 Download Report (PDF)
Massimino, D., Johnston, A., Noble, D.G. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2015. Multi-species spatially-explicit indicators reveal spatially structured trends in bird communities. Ecological Indicators 58 Elsevier : 277-285 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.06.001)
Pocock, M.J.O., Newson, S.E., Henderson, I.G., Peyton, J., Sutherland, W.J., Noble, D.G., Ball, S.G., Beckmann, B.C., Biggs, J., BreretonT., Bullock, D.J., Buckland, S.T., Edwards, M., Eaton, M.A., Harvey, M.C., Hill, M.O., Horlock, M., Hubble, D.S., Julian, A.M., Mackey, E.C., Mann, D.J., Marshall, M.J., Medlock, J.M., O'Mahony, E.M., Pacheco, M., Porter. K., Prentice, S., Procter, D.A., Roy, H.E., Southway, S.E., Shortall, C.R., Stewart, A.J.A., Wembridge, D.E., Wright, M.A. & Roy, D.B. 2015. Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities. Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (part 3) : 686-695 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12423)
Robinson, R.A., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Massimino, D., Sullivan, M.J.P., Eglington, S.M., Barimore, C., Dadam, D., Downie, I.S., Hammond, M.J., Harris, S.J., Noble, D.G., Walker, R.H. & Baillie, S.R. 2015. Bird Trends 2015: trends in numbers, breeding success and survival for UK breeding birds. Research Report no. 678. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Link to publication
Roos, S., Noble, D., Dobson, A., Howarth, P., Fielding, A., Carrington-Cotton, A., Etheridge, B. & Wernham, C. 2015. Raptors in Scotland – a methodology for developing trends and indicators. SNH Commissioned Report 542 Scottish Natural Heritage Download Report (PDF)
Royan, A., Prudhomme, C., Hannah, D.M., Reynolds, S.J., Noble, D.G., & Sadler, J.P. 2015. Climate-induced changes in river flow regimes will alter future bird distributions. Ecosphere 6 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1890/ES14-00245.1)
Roy, H.D.B., Ploquin, E.F., Randle, Z., Risely, K., Botham, M.S., Middlebrook, I., Noble, D., Cruickshanks, K. Freeman, S.N. & Brereton, T.M. 2014. Comparison of trends in butterfly populations between monitoring schemes. Journal of Insect Conservation 19 (part 2) : 313-324 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10841-014-9739-0) 12pp
Harris, S.J., Risely, K., Massimino, D., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Procter, D. & Baillie, S.R. 2014. The Breeding Bird Survey 2013. Research Report no. 658. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford Download Report (PDF)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Massimino, D., Eglington, S.M., Johnston, A., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C., Kew, A.J., Downie, I.S., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A 2014. BirdTrends 2013. Research Report no. 652. British Trust for Ornithology , Thetfford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Eaton, M.A., Balmer, D.E., Bright, J., Cuthbert, R., Grice, P.V., Hall, C., Hayhow, D.B., Hearn, R.D., Holt, C.A., Knipe, A., Mavor, R., Noble, D.G., Oppel ,S., Risely, K., Stroud, D.A. & Wotton, S. 2014. The State of the UK's Birds 2013. RSPB, BTO, WWT, NRW, JNCC, NE, NIEA & SNH, Sandy, Bedfordshire Download Report (PDF)
Roy, H.E., Peyton. J., Aldridge, D.C., Bantock, T., Blackburn, T.M., Britton, R., Clark, P., Cook, E., Dehnen-Schmutz, K., Dines, T., Dobson, M., Edwards, F., Harrower, C., Harvey, M.C., Minchin, D., Noble, D.G., Parrott, D., Pocock, M.J.O., Preston, C.D., Roy, S., Salisbury, A., Schönrogge, A., Sewell, J., Shaw, R.H., Stebbing, P., Stewart, A.J.A. & Walker, K.J. 2014. Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain. Global Change Biology 20 (part 12) : 3 859-3 871 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12603)
Roy, H.E., Preston, C.D., Harrower, C.A., Rorke, S.L., Noble, D., Sewell, J., Walker, K., Marchant, J., Seeley, B., Bishop, J., Jukes, A., Musgrove, A., Pearman, D. & Booy, O. 2014. GB Non-native Species Information Portal: documenting the arrival of non-native species in Britain. Biological Invasions 16 (part 12) : 2 495-2 505 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10530-014-0687-0)
Royan, A., Hannah, D.M., Reynolds, S.J., Noble, D.G. & Sadler, J.P 2014. River birds' response to hydrological extremes: new vulnerability index and conservation implications. Biological Conservation 177 : 64-73 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.06.017)
Sarah Eglington & David Noble 2014. Understanding the causes of decline in breeding bird numbers in England. Research Report no. 538. ISBN: 978-1-908581-34-1 189pp £15.00 Download Report (PDF)
Wright, L.J., Newson, S.E. & Noble, D.G. 2014. The value of a random sampling design for annual monitoring of national populations of larger British terrestrial mammals. European Journal of Wildlife Research 60 : 213-221 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10344-013-0768-x)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Massimino, D., Eglington, S.M., Johnston, A., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C., Kew, A., Downie, I.S., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2013. BirdTrends 2012. Research Report no. 644. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Linnerud, M., Saether, B.E., Grotan, V., Engen, S., Noble, D.G., Freckleton, R.P. & Robert, P. 2013. Interspecific differences in stochastic population dynamics explains variation in Taylor's temporal power law. Oikos 122 (part 8) : 1 207-1 216 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20517.x)
Musgrove, A.J., Aebischer, N.J., Eaton, M.A., Hearn, R.D., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G., Parsons, M., Risely, K. & Stroud, D.A. 2013. Population estimates on birds in Great Britain and the United Kingdom. British Birds 106 : 64-100 Download Report (PDF)
Risely, K., Massimino, D., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Procter, D. & Baillie, S.R. 2013. The Breeding Bird Survey 2012. Research Report no. 645. ISBN: 978-1-908581-29-7 26pp Download Report (PDF)
Royan, A., Hannah, D.M., Reynolds, S.J., Noble, D.G. & Sadler, J.P. 2013. Avian community responses to variability in river hydrology. PLOS ONE 8 (part 12) View at journal website (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083221)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Renwick, A.R., Eglington, S.M., Joys, A.C., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C., G.J., Downie, I.S., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2012. BirdTrends 2011. Research Report no. 609. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Davey, C.M., Chamberlain, D.E., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G. & Johnston A. 2012. Rise of the Generalists: evidence for climate driven homogenization in avian communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (part 5) : 568-578 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00693.x)
Eglington, S.M., Noble, D.G. & Fuller, R.J. 2012. A meta-analysis of spatial relationships in species richness across taxa: Birds as indicators of wider biodiversity in temperate regions. Journal for Nature Conservation 20 (part 5) : 301-309 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2012.07.002)
Marchant, J.H., Hulme, M.F. & Noble, D.G. 2012. Waterways Breeding Bird Survey: progress 1998-2009 and long-term population trends. Research Report no. 560. ISBN: 978-1-908581-18-1 66pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Renwick, A.R., Johnston, A., Joys, A., Newson, S.E., Noble, D.G. & Pearce-Higgins, J.W. 2012. Composite bird indicators robust to variation in species selection and habitat specificity. Ecological Indicators 18 : 200-207 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.11.008)
Risely, K., Massimino, D., Johnston, A., Newson, S.E., Eaton, M.A., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Procter, D. & Baillie, S.R. 2012. The Breeding Bird Survey 2011. Research Report no. 624. ISBN: 978-1-908581-07-5 24pp Download Report (PDF)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Joys, A.C., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C.J., Downie, I.S., Grantham, M.J., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2011. Breeding birds in the wider countryside: their conservation status 2010. Research Report no. 565. Link to publication
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Renwick, A.R., Joys, A.C., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C., Conway, G.J., Downie, I.S., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2011. Breeding Birds in the Wider Countryside: their conservation status 2010. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Brereton, T.M., Cruickshanks, K.L., Risely, K., Noble, D.G. & Roy, D.B. 2011. Developing and launching a wider countryside butterfly survey across the United Kingdom. Journal of Insect Conservation 15 (part 1) : 279-290 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1007/s10841-010-9345-8)
Freeman, S.N. & Noble, D.G. 2011. Analyses to assess the effectiveness of modifications to the BBS sampling design. Research Report no. 578. ISBN: 978-1-906204-87-7 59pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Marchant, J.H., Noble, D.G., & Haynes, S. 2011. Repeat breeding bird survey of The National Forest (English Midlands) in 2010. Research Report no. 588. ISBN: 978-1-906204-98-3 28pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Musgrove, A.J., Siriwardena, G.M., Noble, D.G., Risely, K. & Calbrade, N. 2011. Research in support of a targeted review of the current UK network of terrestrial and coastal Special Protection Areas (SPAs). Research Report no. 594. Link to publication 23pp
Risely, K., Renwick, A.R., Dadam, D., Eaton, M.A., Johnston, A., Baillie, S.R., Musgrove, A.J. & Noble, D.G. 2011. The Breeding Bird Survey 2010. Research Report no. 597. ISBN: 978-1-906204-96-9 Download Report (PDF)
Sæther, B.-E., Grøtan, V., Engen, S., Noble, D.G. & Freckleton, R.P. 2011. Rarity, life history and scaling of the dynamics in time and space of British birds . Journal of Animal Ecology 80 : 215-224 Link to publication View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01751.x) 10pp Download Report (PDF)
Baillie, S.R., Marchant, J.H., Leech, D.I., Joys, A.C., Noble, D.G., Barimore, C., Downie, I.S., Grantham, M.J., Risely, K. & Robinson, R.A. 2010. Breeding Birds in the Wider Countryside: their conservation status 2009. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, Norfolk Download Report (PDF)
Douglas, D.J.T., Newson, S.E., Leech, D.I., Noble, D.G. & Robinson, R.A. 2010. How important are climate-induced changes in host availability for population processes in an obligate brood parasite, the European cuckoo?. Oikos View at journal website (DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2010.18388.x)
Eglington, S. & Noble, D. 2010. Final report for 2009 on the Scottish Woodland Breeding Bird Surveys. Research Report no. 549. ISBN: 978-1-906204-85-3 58pp £5.00 Download Report (PDF)
Eglington, S.M., Davis, S.E., Joys, A.C., Chamberlain, D.E. & Noble, D.G. 2010. The effect of observer experience on English Breeding Bird Survey population trends. Bird Study 57 : 129-141 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1080/00063650903440648)
Everard, M. & Noble, D. 2010. The development of bird indicators for British freshwaters and wetlands. Aquatic Conservation - Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20 : 117-124 View at journal website (DOI: 10.1002/aqc.1074)
Marchant, J.H., Hulme, M.F. & Noble, D.G. 2010. Trends among breeding water birds during 1974-2009, along canals in British Waterways ownership. Research Report no. 561. ISBN: 978-1-906204-83-9 35pp £2.50 Download Report (PDF)
Risely, K., Baillie, S.R., Eaton, M.A., Joys, A.C., Musgrove, A.J., Noble, D.G., Renwick, A.R. & Wright, L.J. 2010. The Breeding Bird Survey 2009. Research Report no. 559. ISBN: 978-1-906204-78-5 Download Report (PDF)
