BTO Scotland publications

Recent publications written by and resulting from work by BTO Scotland staff.
Peer-reviewed papers

Recent population declines in Afro-Palaearctic migratory birds: the influence of breeding and non-breeding seasons

Out of Africa: declines in migrants linked to UK breeding grounds

2013 | Morrison, C.A, Robinson, R.A., Clark, J.A., Risely, K. & Gill, J.A. Diversity and Distributions

Recent research on declines in Afro-Palaearctic migrants has primarily focussed on conditions in these species’ wintering grounds. However, population changes could also be influenced by factors operating during breeding and migration, as a new study by the BTO and UEA shows. Scientists analysed data from the Breeding Bird Survey for 46 species and found that species breeding in Scotland are generally doing better than those in England. Several species were either declining in England but increasing in Scotland, or increasing in England at a slower rate than in Scotland.  These differences were especially stark in long-distance migrants, with species such as House Martin and Garden Warbler strongly increasing in Scotland only.

These results illustrate how population trends can be affected by interactions between breeding and wintering conditions, and the costs of making long migratory journeys.  While many migrants may be facing increasingly tough circumstances outside the UK, it is likely that these costs are being offset by better breeding conditions in Scotland than in England. Further exploration of such geographical variation is essential to properly understand the demographic processes underpinning population trends of these species, many of which are on the Birds of Conservation Concern Red List.

Peer-reviewed papers

Changing migration patterns of the Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus in Europe: an analysis of ringing recoveries

Short-eared Owls: ringing reveals mysterious migration

2012 | Calladine, J., du Feu, C. & du Feu, R. Journal of Ornithology

A century of Short-eared Owl ringing has shown differences in this species’ migration over space and time, providing clues about how population sizes may have changed during that period. A candidate for red-listing (based on declines apparent from the Atlas) analyses of ringing recoveries have found that birds originating from Scandinavia and Central Europe travelled the furthest on migration, while those from Britain and the North Sea area made the shortest journeys. More surprisingly, distances travelled tended to increase from the 1920s through to the 1960s and 1970s, but have since fallen. These patterns might be associated with changing population sizes. Further, these trends may have contributed to breeding declines in more southern and isolated parts of this species’ range, where populations are compromised without periodic immigration. The analyses also highlight the particular potential of Britain, with its shorter distances between breeding and wintering grounds, to facilitate the conservation of this vulnerable species.

Peer-reviewed papers

The importance of altitude and aspect for breeding Whinchat Saxicola rubetra in the uplands: Limitations of the uplands as a refuge for a declining, formerly widespread species?

Are uplands a good refuge for declining farmland birds?

2012 | Calladine, J. & Bray, J. Bird Study

Like several species, the Whinchat was once common across lowland Europe, but has recently suffered substantial declines as agricultural practices have intensified. Populations are now increasingly concentrated in more upland areas, where agriculture is of a lower intensity, but where environmental constraints, such as low ambient temperatures, may limit habitat suitability. Recent research by BTO Scotland has explored the habitat requirements of Whinchats breeding in British uplands. As these areas represent a refuge for a number of declining bird species, this work has important conservation implications.

Research Reports

Ornithological Technical Report for the Proposed Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Projects.

2012 | Burton, N.H.K., Austin, G.E., Cook, A.S.C.P., Humphreys, E.M., Johnston, A., Morrison, C.A., Thaxter, C.B. & Wright, L.J.

Peer-reviewed papers

2010 Review of Goose Management Policy in Scotland. BTO and CJC Consulting report to the Scottish Government

2011 | Crabtree, R., Humphreys, E., Moxey, A. & Wernham, C.

Peer-reviewed papers

Variation in the diurnal activity of breeding Short-eared Owls Asio flammeus: implications for their survey and monitoring

2010 | Calladine, J., Garner, G., Wernham, C. & Buxton, N. Bird Study

Peer-reviewed papers

Changes in the breeding wader populations of the machair of the Western Isles, Scotland, between 2000 and 2007

2010 | Fuller, R.J., Humphreys, E.M., Wilson, J.D., Hoccom, D. & Calladine, J. Bird Study

Peer-reviewed papers

Engaging with biodiversity in Scotland's gardens: the role of the BTO's Garden BirdWatch

2010 | Toms, M., Humphreys, L. & Wernham, C.

Peer-reviewed papers

Indexing winter gull numbers in Great Britain using data from the 1953 to 2004 Winter Gull Roost Surveys

2009 | Banks, A.N., Burton, N.H.K., Calladine, J.R. & Austin, G.E. Bird Study

Peer-reviewed papers

Fine-scale foraging behaviour of a medium-ranging marine predator

2009 | Hamer, K.C., Humphreys, E.M., Magalhães, M.C., Garthe, S., Hennicke, J., Peters, G., Grémillet, D., Skov, H. & Wanless S. Journal of Animal Ecology

Peer-reviewed papers

Application of habitat suitability modelling to tracking data of marine animals as a means of analyzing their feeding habitats

2008 | Skov, H., Humphreys, E., Garthe, S., Geitner, K., Gr Ecological Modelling

Peer-reviewed papers

Population decline of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa within the largest colony in Britain and Ireland

2008 | Newson, S.E., Mitchell, P.I., Parsons, M., O'Brian, S.H., Austin, G.E., Benn, S., Black, J., Blackburn, J., Brodie, B., Humphreys, E., Leech, D., Prior, M. & Webster, M. Seabird


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