Tawny Owl Point Survey

Volunteers helped reveal the full picture of the state of our Tawny Owls by taking two short evening visits to squares available across the UK.
Survey Completed For Autumn 2018
The survey period is now over for autumn 2018 and some very provisional results can be found here. Thank you to everyone who took part!
Read a BTO News Article about the results of the survey
Read a BTO News Article about the results of the survey (PDF, 241.81 KB) .Despite being widespread, we know surprisingly little about our Tawny Owl population. The BTO's core monitoring schemes do suggest a recent decline but as they are daytime surveys, they can't show us the full picture.
Why survey Tawny Owls nationally?
We get better information on how Tawny Owl populations are doing by carrying out periodic targeted surveys. BTO previously carried out national structured surveys for Tawny Owls in Britain in the autumns of 1989 and 2005. So by carrying out a comparable survey in autumn 2018 (August 15th - October 15th 2018) that also takes advantage of modern statistical techniques, we aimed to get an up to date measure of change in their occupancy and populations as well as habitat associations and geographical patterns. Through this, we hope to learn more about our noisy but often mysterious neighbours.
Time / Skill Required
Project timeline, contributions & findings
Project timeline
- Survey period began 15 August 2018
- Survey period ended 15 October 2018
- Results now being analysed
Contributions & findings
- Of 12,600 volunteers who signed-up for the survey, 8,700 submitted data
- Provisional results for the survey
View provisional results for Tawny Owl Point Survey

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